Saturday, August 6, 2011

Where it all started...

Hello people... Writing here after a long time... And just when I start typing, I really understand how long it has been...
Mysore was the next stop in the journey, when I last wrote in the world of blogs... It was not going to be a long journey, I had thought... How foolish I was... As they say, it was just the begining. Of what? Of an enlightening, ever teaching, mind broadening ride... If you are starting to get a feeling that it is another cribbing post about how things have changed... Hell yeah, you are absolutely right...!!!
Ok not really, I was just kidding... Kidding just about the "Cribbng" part though... Yes things have changed, but who said they were going to remain the same anyway? Some say that I have changed, and I feel they are absolutely right. of course, my interpretation and their interpretation of this change may vary(to a large extent in case of some people)... What I really want to say is that some things haven't changed. Some things are just the same as they were in "The Golden Days". The people who made them "Golden". All the shining "FRIENDS"...
As the days have passed since that beautiful time, more and more realisation sinks in... Realisation of what really gave me "kick" to do things... What really made me the person I was(past tense deliberate... Not sure if I still "am" that person...). It was all, due to the jackasses, the idiots, the fools, the breed that is called "Friends". I take this moment here to say that I miss them. Once upon a time, when we all thought that we'll spend lives in the same merry way as we did back then, somewhere deep down was that wisdom that it will be a mirracle if we actually can... But what was the point of speaking out the truth, when it was inevitable and everyone more or less knew that it was inevitable? Why would one have spent time on this truth, when time was a scarcity? Resources like oil, gold are fast depleting, and even with this full understanding, we extract them with ever increasing speed. Was it not the same what we were doing back then?
You tend to get a grip on the undestanding of the importance of things when you go away from them, and so did I... I moved out of my comfort zone the moment I parted from friends... And then I really understood what the world really is... As I write, a memory flashes by... Reading a blog "Sach ka Saamna"... It spoke about how friendships are fake and all. Back then, I ridiculed that kind of thinking. Over these 11 months, I was able to comprehend what made that article come up. I understood what kind of situations that person might have been in, what kind of people that person might have encountered with... I remember a few friends saying back then that they pity that blogger. And now I do... I really do, because I am(present tense here is deliberate as well) lucky enough to have my friends with me... You guys rock...!!!
I apologise for the times when I could not deliver like I promised, and I thank my friends for being... The memories are wonderful, and we'll definitely relive them... Not once, many times... Just  a few moments back I wrote that some things have changed. But some haven't. An occasion like friendship day still makes me write all this "crap", this "bakwaas"... If any reaction after reading this is like "Grow up", I will give out my best wicked smile and say nothing else... The same old thing coincidentally made me start second inning of "Life is interesting", FRIENDSHIP... Where it all began....
Happy friendship day everyone...!!!!!


  1. Very true Stuart Little..where it all begins is FRIENDSHIP :D
    The memories are wonderful but I'm not sure If we'll be able to revive them.. Its gr8 that your so sure :D
    Miss You..
    N well I would surely say...NEVER GROW UP :D

  2. Welcome back! Nice one. Random but good!

  3. Hey which day better to start than this.nice comeback.And don't worry if you were not able to deliver as per expectations(lol)...It happens.the thing that matters the most is whether you come back or not.:)

  4. Hey nicew post there very insightful...keep writing!

  5. @Himali: Grow up? what's that like? ;)
    @Sanket: Order is set out of randomness only.. :D
    @Pratiksha: Encouragement...!!!
    @Tanmay: sure sir..!!

  6. This the real YOU, i was talking about :)
